
Boulder Estate Planning Legal Blog


What the Tax Debate in Congress Means for Colorado Estate Planning

Over the past several months, the U.S. Congress has been considering tax legislation that could drastically change the face of estate planning. Versions of the Build Back Better bill have included provisions to trigger capital gains tax on a regular basis for assets held in trusts, upon death, and when…


Estate Planning for Colorado Cryptocurreny Holders

Digital assets have necessitated major changes to estate-planning techniques. Once just a small pocket of the market, the now trillion-dollar-plus crypto market has yielded significant wealth for many individuals and families. For these families, the need to safely secure, transfer, and gift this new type of asset is critically important.…


How a Transfer on Death Deed Can Help Colorado Property Owners

As a homeowner, you undoubtedly work hard to take good care of your property. This includes things like regular maintenance and repairs. But an often overlooked part of being a responsible homeowner is planning for the future of your property after your death. This includes estate planning. Fortunately, unlike home…


Colorado Residents Must Respond to Major Estate Tax Proposal

Members of the U.S. Congress recently proposed a striking $3.5 trillion spending plan that, if passed, would be funded largely through a significant tax overhaul. Here is what Colorado residents need to know about the tax increase proposal as it currently stands. Reduction in the Unified Credit Amount Effective in…


Colorado Estate Planning for End-of-Life and Death-Related Expenses

For many people, discussing end-of-life costs can be uncomfortable and emotionally daunting. However, despite the discomfort, it may elicit, having a secure and legally sound plan can provide individuals and their families with peace and security. Colorado estate planning attorneys can provide families prepare for the costs associated with dying.…


How to Prevent Trust and Estate Disputes in Colorado

Thoughtful estate planning can help prevent conflict among surviving family members. It can also save families the hassle of Colorado probate court, which can be a costly process involving significant delays in the distribution of assets. Often, a lack of communication is at the root of familial estate-planning conflict. The…


Using a Qualified Income Trust in Colorado to Reduce Income and Retain Medicaid Eligibility for Long-Term Elder Care

Nursing home and other long-term care costs can be extremely high for the people in need of care and their families. Medicaid and other federal programs may help those in need to pay for long-term care costs. In some states, including Colorado, eligibility for Medicaid assistance with nursing home care…

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