
Boulder Estate Planning Legal Blog


Can Colorado Trust Beneficiaries Remove a Trustee?

Family trusts can offer a lot of advantages, including tax advantages and benefits from long-term care planning. However, it is not uncommon for there to be disputes and conflicts between trustees and beneficiaries. When such disputes arise, there may be a time when you consider whether a trustee needs to…


Should “Swedish Death Cleaning” be a Part of Your Estate Plan?

All cultures worldwide have different rituals and traditions pertaining to the end of one’s life. As the radius of influence between cultures is shortened by technology and migration, some of the death traditions of all cultures become available for discovery and possible adoption. The Swedish practice of döstädning, or “death…


Your Child May Need Medicare and Medicaid to Cover Psychiatric Services

Unfortunately, Colorado ranks only 42nd in the country for pediatric mental health. This indicates a lack of access to mental health care for children in Colorado and an unawareness of services available. If you have a child or teen with mental health needs, you know how important high-quality mental health…


IRS Raises Estate Tax Exclusion

Every family should consider the impact of taxes on their assets when making important decisions. High net-worth individuals and families, however, know they should especially consider relevant tax laws before making big estate plan or asset management changes. But staying on top of the ever-changing task landscape can be tricky.…

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